Children with Learning Disabilities and Autism


 We provide services to looked after children/young people in residential and nursing homes who:

  • have learning and or physical disabilities.
  • are on the Autism Spectrum.
  • have challenging behaviours.
  • have suffered trauma or have attachment disorders.

Our friendly care staff are trained in therapeutic approaches that include team teach training to equip them with knowledge and skills to work with looked after children and young people in care.

they are confident to:

  • work with children/young people with challenging behaviours
  • support children/young people to access school/college and the community services of choice interest
  • support with personal care needs
  • support young people to reach their full potential
  • promote positive attachments and relationships in children and young people
  • provide a friendly relaxing environment for children and young people on a 1.1 basis to enablethem to address their past and present difficulties
  • provide healthy meals, shopping, assist with laundry and general household tasks
  • support and encourage young people to learn to complete tasks as they prepare for independent living